Why Donate To Us?
  • We guarantee that every contribution goes directly to work for an orphan who is in need of your assistance.
  • You get to choose which project to fund and you will receive updates pertaining to the lives you have changed.
  • We will report to you monthly all the details and progress of the projects that you are sponsoring.
  • Your contributions are fully tax-deductible.

Who We Help?
  • Individuals who lack parental guidance and financial support.
  • Orphanages, educational institutions and organizations that are registered non-profit organizations will receive donations and scholarships.
Please use our fully secured online form to make a donation.

Or, to donate by mail: Please send checks to:
Opportunities for Orphans
2312 Park Ave. Suite 150
Tustin CA, 92782

If you would like to partner with us or for donation inquires please contact Jeni Tryon at 714.553.5601.